Add Your Photos & Media on ONG2 on Artifaq
These are the quantitative and qualitative results OUTPUT from ONG2.
- 1 day Breakerspace
- 1 night event ONG2
- 1 new model for artist sponsorship, “break-in”
- 1 grant pool funded for 2 flash grants
- 3 art critics
- 3 patrons
- 2 first time DJ’s: Tj Hughes + Maxwell Foley (T.J.MAXXX)
- 1 musician from Hungary/Romania
- 1 artist from Durham
- 1 musician from Chicago
- 5 musician from Saint Louis
- 7 Sponsors including Red Bull, 4 Hands Brewing Company, Artifaq, Qi Hardware, Breakerspaces & Oui.Gallery
- Produced by Fabricatorz Foundation
- 1 Partnership with McLuhan Institute
- 1 Release of Eric McLuhan Audio Interview Samples
- 1 Mixtape, Saint McLuhan
- 1 Disquiet Junto 0382 Understanding McLuhan
- 2 Merged projects, https://atmstl.us + https://stl.ist
- 1 Artech Meetup birthed by Ann Johnson
- 1 Discovery that Jake Leech is an ORGANIZER, his Furniture Music Series at Milque Toast Bar
- 1 Nu-Metal Collaboration On the Way
Balkan Web
- Justin Enoch & Riona Omishi, 2019
- Justin Enoch & Riona Omishi, 2019
Open Next Game
- Open Next Game, 2019, Various Artists
- Gathering Facts, https://artifaq.io/exhibition/ong2
Ian Patrick Cunningham
- NO SYMBOL, 2019, AI Software installation
Carter Frerichs
- The Meme Locker, 2019, Installation.
Tj Hughes
- Gregarious, 2018, Software Installation
Ann Johnson
- Laser Jacket, 2019, 50 lasers and leather jacket.
- Digit Display, 2019, Digital display and analog controller.
Hayden Molinarolo
- Principles of Inclusion III, 2019, Church Pews.
Matt Ruzicka
- Evolvable Sound, 2019, Software and Micro-controller
Music Output
Launch of ONG Records
Saint McLuhan Mixtape
- https://ong.fabricatorz.org/saintmcluhan
- 17 Tracks
- 9 Eric McLuhan Samples
- Contributions from deth_bb, Paul B. Davis (Beige Records), Ekse, Realboy Eternity, and Fluke Nukes.
Junto 0328 Understanding McLuhan
- https://ong.fabricatorz.org/saintmcluhan/junto
- 31 Submissions
These photos were all taken and its hard to place where these should go. Here is the google drive link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZN93LAZmL9ZmuBgXf4PgXGEfplEUQyap?usp=sharing. Ideally these should be flowed in here or on https://artifaq.io @rejon
- Jake Leech Photos
- Ian Cunningham Photos
- Justin Enoch Videos
- Ian Cunningham Audio Recording
- Video coming soon by Chad Carpenter and Michael D Francis
- Hayden Molinarolo Video Coming Soon
- Several videos by Tj Hughes, online, need to be placed up, are inside of the Google drive above.
Missing Something?
It is possible our documentation is not complete. If you have some photo, video, or sound recording of the event, please share: [email protected]